E/HEALTH Project: Installation of a modern telepsychiatry system

E/HEALTH Project: Installation of a modern telepsychiatry system

The General Hospital of Kavala, in the framework of the e/HEALTH project “Receive Emergency/Daily needed HEALTHcare through innovations in the cross border area” with the Emergency Centre of Karzali (BG) as lead partner, with funding from the “GREECE – BULGARIA 2014 – 2020” programme, to enhance its capabilities in emergency equipment, and emergency response, procured and installed a modern telepsychiatry system, which will allow patients of the Regional Unit of Kavala (Kavala, Nestos, Paggaio, Thassos) to come in direct communication, evaluation, counseling, etc. etc.., thus contributing to a faster treatment of situations (mainly existing patients and regular crises) and limiting travel to the hospital only for cases where this is required.
With telepsychiatry, it enhances equality of access to health services for all, eliminates distances and interventions in crisis situations, reduces travel and accommodation costs for patients and relatives, enables direct communication with the mental health professional, reduces social stigma, etc.
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